The 2019 PEER Annual Meeting "Seismic Resilience 25 Years after Northridge: Accomplishments and Challenges" was held last week to an audience that filled the venue capacity at the UCLA campus.
One of the highlights of the Meeting was the announcement of the winners of two major competitions hosted by PEER: the 2018 PEER Blind Prediction contest and the PHI Challenge.
Structural Engineering & Geomechanics PhD's Seongwoon Jeong and Max Ferguson (Stanford EIG) won the PHI Challenge in the Engineering Category.
The Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center organized the first image-based structural damage recognition competition, namely PEER Hub ImageNet (PHI) Challenge, which was held at the end of Summer 2018. In the PHI Challenge, PEER provided a large image dataset which is relevant to the field of structural engineering, and designed several detection tasks, which will contribute to the establishment of automated vision-based structural health monitoring. The goal of the PHI challenge is to evaluate algorithms for structural image classification using a large-scale dataset based on service conditions and past reconnaissance efforts and laboratory experiments for conditions of extreme events. The state-of-the-art algorithms to be tested in the PHI challenge are expected to enhance the accuracy and the generalization of vision-based approaches. These approaches will aim towards the construction of a big structural image dataset to solve societal-scale problems of structural health monitoring and assessment of the built environment.
A total of 68 teams registered and 34 teams submitted at least one entry.