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Woodframe Project

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Woodframe Project

The CUREE-Caltech Woodframe Project consisted of coordinated engineering investigations and implementation activities whose objective was to significantly reduce earthquake losses to woodframe construction. The project was funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) through a grant administered by the California Governors Office of Emergency Services.

Number Title Author Date Published
W-01 Proceedings of the Invitational Workshop on Seismic Testing, Analysis and Design of Woodframe Testing edited by F. Seible, A. Filiatrault, C.-M. Uang 1999
W-02 Development of a Testing Protocol for Woodframe Structures H. Krawinkler, F. Parisi, L. Ibarra, A. Ayoub, and R. Medina 2001
W-03 Woodframe Project Testing and Analysis Literature Reviews edited by A. Filiatrault 2001
W-04 Woodframe Project: Case Studies edited by G.G. Schierle 2001
W-06 Shake Table Tests of a Two-Story Woodframe House D. Fischer, A. Filiatrault, B. Folz, C.-M. Uang, and F. Seible 2001
W-08 CASHEW - Version 1.1 - A computer program for the Cyclic Analysis of wood SHEarWalls B. Folz and A. Filiatrault 2002
W-09 Northridge Earthquake Field Investigations: Statistical Analysis of Woodframe Damage G.G. Schierle 2003
W-10 Reliability Studies D. Rosowsky and J. H. Kim 2002
W-11 Dynamic Characteristics of Woodframe Structures J. Beck, V. Camelo, and J. Hall 2002
W-12 Seismic Modeling of Index Woodframe Buildings H. Isoda, B. Folz, and A. Filiatrault 2002
W-13 Cyclic Response of Woodframe Shearwalls: Loading Protocol and Rate of Loading Effects K. Gatto, C.-M. Uang 2002
W-14 Anchorage of Woodframe Buildings: Laboratory Testing Report edited by F. Seible, A. Filiatrault, C.-M. Uang 1999
W-15 Seismic Performance of Gypsum Walls: Experimental Test Program K. McMullin and D. Merrick 2002
W-16 Nail, Wood Screw, and Staple Fastener Connections F. Fonseca, S. Rose, S. Campbell 2002
W-17 Seismic Behavior of Level and Stepped Cripple Walls Y.H. Chai, T.C. Hutchinson, S.M. Vukazich 2002
W-18 Improving Loss Estimation for Woodframe Buildings K.A. Porter, J.L. Beck, H.A. Seligson, C.R. Scawthorn, L.T. Tobin, R. Young, and T. Boyd 2002
W-19 Seismic Evaluation of an Asymmetric Three-Story Woodframe Building K.M. Mosalam, C. Machado, K.-U. Gliniorz, C. Naito, E. Kunzel, and S. Mahin 2003
W-20 Evaluation of Fluid Dampers for Seismic Energy Dissipation of Woodframe Structures M. Symans, K. Fridley, W. Cofer, and Y. Du


W-21 SAWS - Version 1.0 - A computer program for the Seismic Analysis of Woodframe Shearwalls B. Folz and A. Filiatrault 2003
W-22 Inter-Story Shear Transfer in Woodframe Buildings K. Fridley, T. Ryan, D. Pollock, & R. Itani 2003
W-23 Seismic Performance of Gypsum Walls - Analytical Investigation G. Deierlein and A. Kanvinde 2003
W-24 Seismic Behavior of Base-Level Diaphragm Anchorage of Hillside Buildings Y. Xiao and L. Xie 2003
W-25 Testing and Analysis of One-Story and Two-Story Shear Walls Under Cyclic Loading G. Pardoen, A. Waltman, R. Kazanjy, E. Freund, and C. Hamilton 2003
W-26 Seismic Demands for Single- and Multi-story Wood Buildings H. Krawinkler, F. Zareian, L. Ibarra, R. Medina, and S.-J. Lee 2003
W-27 Design Methodology for Diaphragms J. D. Dolan, D. Carradine, S. Easterling, and W. Bott 2003
W-28 Cyclic Response of Shear Transfer Connections Between Shear Walls and Diaphragms in Woodframe Construction S. Ficcadenti, E. Freund, G. Pardoen, and R. Kazanjy 2004
W-29 Design Documentation of the Woodframe Project Index Buildings R. Reitherman and K. Cobeen 2003
W-30 Recommendations for Earthquake Resistance in the Design and Construction of Woodframe Buildings K. Cobeen, J. D. Dolan and J. Russell 2004